Monday, February 23, 2009

Sermon Update: Spirit Possession

Bro. Bobs message for this week is entitled Spirit Possession and may be found on the sermons on the lower left sidebar.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Work Day next two Saturdays - Upcoming Playday

We are having a Work Day the next two Saturdays to cleanup, repair, and install new lighting (Yeah, we are getting rid of those red-yellow lights) so that we will have our arena ready for Shows and other arena events restarting in March.

Our Arena will be reopening for Shows starting Saturday March 6 with the First Saturday Play Day. Registration starts at 5pm with the event starting at 6pm.

Valentines Day Party

We had a great time at the Valentines Day party this past Saturday night. A great meal, Renewal of marriage vows, and Karoke were highlights. I have posted two galleries of images; Click on the bold, tan type links to go to the Valentine Vows and Karoke Fun image galleries.

Sermon Update: Lord Of The Ring

This weeks message was a continuation of a message from last week on the covenant of marriage. This weeks message is entitled Lord Of The Ring.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sermon Update: Marraige Covenant

This Sunday, Bro. Bob brings us a sermon entitled The Marraige Covenant as the youth are committing to remain pure until they enter this covenant.

Youth Purity Covanent Ring Ceremony

We had a Baptism

Our After-Church Chili Cookoff Winners

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sermon Update: Follow The Leader

Bro. Bob preaches a sermon entitled Follow The Leader in which he helps us understand what we need to consider in choosing our new Elder.