Monday, January 26, 2009

Sermon Update: Live Like Like You Were Dying: Forgiveness

I have posted the last of four messages entitled Live like you dying. This last message is subtitled Forgiveness. As before you will find them toward the bottom of the side panel on this blog under the heading: Sermons. You will also find a more complete list of Bob's messages on our website

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sermon Update: Live Like Dying Part 3

The Third of a month series entitled Live Like you were Dying is now posted.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dave Pendergraft and Becky Morgan Duet

Congratulations to our own Becky Morgan who recently recorded a duet with Dave Pendergraft entitled "Fall Into Your Hands". This song will be released nationally in March but you may hear it here. Go to the bottom of the this page and you will see a banner which will lead you to this song and to Dave's Website where you may eventually purchase it. If you have a slow internet connection you may need to wait until the song loads before playing it.

Sunday Sermon: Talks Sweeter

Brother Bobs message for this past Sunday is now posted. You may find it on the side bar of this blog, entitled "Talk Sweeter"

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sundays Sermon: Live Like You were Dying

This weeks sermon "Live Like You Were Dying" is the first of 3 sermons from Bro. Bob over the next several weeks. This Sunday was cold and many were warming their feet over the Church Campfire as Bob preached this sermon. You may enjoy this sermon in the warmth of your home. The link is on the sidebar under the Sermon title.