Monday, October 27, 2008

Dave Pendergraft and Sunday Service for Oct 26, 2008

This past Sunday we had our second visit from Dave Pendergraft, a dynamic singer with an important Christian Message. Brother Bob Young then gave the message Lunch, Part 2 (posted in the sidebar below), After the message Dave Pendergraft helped with a baptism that came as the result of a salvation from his ministry.

Fall Festival: Lots of Fun

Our Fall Festival was a great success with lots of fun had by everyone. Food included chuckwagon fare with some outstanding beans and cornbread with peach cobbler for desert Prepared by Kurt Van Doran. Lots of games and activities for everyone, including a dunking booth, target shooting, photos with a real Longhorn, and more... See a sampler of photos in this Gallery.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sermon and Testimony: Are you Barnabas?

This past Sunday we had the privilege of hearing Becky Morgan's Testimony leading into Bro. Bob Young's Sermon: Are you Barnabas? If you missed this, or want to hear it again you can find it in the lower left sidebar.

Sometimes You have to take the Goat by the horns

During the Buck-A-Roo Rodeo Bro. Bob was caught leading this protesting goat to the ring. Any Caption suggestions out there?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Buck A Roo Rodeo

If you missed this event then you missed one of the RafterJ Highlights of 2008. I was able to take a couple of hours out of my day and see what was happening. Here a few Highlight photos of this event that was I photographed. There were other events that I missed.

Chicken Chasing

Pole Bending

Goat Milking

Goat Ribbon Race


Stick Horse Barrel Racing

Additional images of these events are posted in this Gallery.
Want a Copy? America's Cutter Rafter J Page.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Last Sundays' Sermon now posted

You may now find last weeks Sermon on our website and this blog. Look at the bottom of left sidebar, Sermons listed with most recent at top.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blessed Assurance Sermon now online

Great News! Did you miss this past weeks Message? Do you want to hear it again?

Our soundman, Bogie, provided me with a Audio CD and I was able to find a way to get it onto our website. There is both a link on the website and this blog (lower left sidebar) to our Sermons. When you click on the link a new window will open with the application your PC is set to play MP3 files. If you are on dialup you might have to wait quite a while for the message to start. If you click on the message and hear nothing, you might well forget and then about 20 min later you will hear Brother Bob starting the message and you will look around for the source.

Past and Present: Events at Rafter J Arena

October 4, Playday

We had a great Playday this past Saturday night and look forward to the next Playday on Sat Nov 2. The photos show Colt running home after his barrel run, and Glen Hopkins and Son working the arena around the barrels by hand after the tractor ran out of diesel. I will add a link to the photos taken of the barrel racing shortly. Photos of the Barrel Racing may be found in this Gallery If you desire a copy of one of these photos please contact Jim Arnold.

Buck-a-Roo Rodeo

Mark your calendars for Oct 18. This event is for Cowboys and Cowgirls to age 14. Registration begins at 9am with Rodeo starting at 11am. There will be lots of Kid-Friendly events including:

  • Goat Dressing

  • Chicken Chase

  • Greased Pig

  • Wild Cow Milking (stick cow>

  • Goat Scramble

  • and much more ...

Buckles will be awarded for All Around in each age group, Boys and Girls. There will be free hot dogs!

Parents note: Pants and Closed Toed Shoes required.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Rafter J Update Section

I have added a more extensive Rafter J Event Update to the bottom of this blog. This is provided by Tammy so that you can receive timely updates of Rafter J events. I strongly encourage all to subscribe to Feedblitz updates so you will receive an email when this journal is updated. While these Rafter J Updates willd not trigger an email, I plan on making at least one journal entry which will.

Also, please note that all posts made to this journal are archived and the links are on the left sidebar. You may go back and review event postings and images at any time.